

Seeking Advice for Arthritis Symptoms in Wrist and Thumb

I’m sorry that this is a bit long - I wasn’t sure what to leave out. Does anyone have arthritis in your wrist and at the base of your thumb or de Quervain‘s tynsonitis? My symptoms have been going on since October of last year and my PCP tentatively thought it might be de Quervain‘s after I brought it up in a message to her. For months, my main symptom was mild to moderate pain, mostly in my left thumb through my wrist, especially on my inner side. I had some lighter pain in my right thumb and wrist, but it was much less pronounced. If I had a particularly high pain day then the pain would radiate out to the rest of my hand from where my thumb and wrist connect. As the pain has continued and worsened over time, the feeling of radiating from the worst area to the rest of my hands has also increased in intensity. My hands have been very mildly stiff for a long time so I didn’t think about that. From January until roughly February, my pain shifted to a consistent medium-high level. From mid-March through April, my pain increased slowly. The pain in my left hand, wrist, thumb, etc. was still much worse than in my right hand, wrist, thumb etc. but it slowly started to get closer in intensity. Very recently, my stiffness became much much worse. My range of motion is starting to be limited. I wake up with at least moderate pain and moving/using my hands at all increases my pain very quickly. When I’m actively using my hands, the pain is sharp and shooting, and it occasionally borders on burning. When I’m not actively using my hands and especially during the first half of the day, the pain is more of a very strong ache with occasional stabbing sensations in. With my symptoms getting so much worse, I returned to the internet and I realized that the symptoms for CMC arthritis and de quervain’s are incredibly similar. If you have been considered for both of these things and have ultimately been diagnosed with one over the other, could you tell me about your experience/what helped you and your doctor decide which one it was? Anyone with any thoughts or experiences that they think could be relevant or helpful, please feel free to jump in below. I just really want to get a better understanding of what’s going on in this area of my body so that I can hopefully get some pain relief. This is among some of the worst pain that I’ve had whatsoever.

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