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by Alike Medical Team ∙ Updated on June 13, 2023

Additional names

This group contains additional names: - Blood poisoning - Bacteremia


Bacteremia refers to the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream. The entry of bacteria into the bloodstream can sometimes be caused by things like cleaning your teeth or having a minor medical procedure. Bloodstream infections can lead to more serious complications if left untreated. There are several of these, including sepsis, which results from a strong immune response to infection. Organ failure and even death can result from sepsis and septic shock.

9 people with Bacteremia

Learn from others who are experiencing Bacteremia.


Signs & symptoms

Bacteremia can be asymptomatic in some cases. Often, your immune system will eliminate the bacteria without your knowledge. Bloodstream infection caused by bacteremia can lead to symptoms such as: fever chills shaking or shivering


Bacteremia can be diagnosed using a blood culture.


It is essential to treat bloodstream infections with antibiotics as soon as possible to avoid complications.


☝ We provide information on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diagnosis, procedures and lab tests. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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