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Esophageal varices

by Alike Medical Team ∙ Updated on June 13, 2023


Esophageal varices are abnormal, enlarged veins in the esophagus. This condition occurs most often in people with serious liver diseases. Esophageal varices develop when normal blood flow to the liver is blocked by a clot or scar tissue in the liver. To go around the blockages, blood flows into smaller blood vessels that aren't designed to carry large volumes of blood. The vessels can leak blood or even rupture, causing life-threatening bleeding. A number of drugs and medical procedures can help prevent or stop bleeding from esophageal varices.

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Signs & symptoms

Esophageal varices usually don't cause signs and symptoms unless they bleed. Signs and symptoms of bleeding esophageal varices include: * Vomiting large amounts of blood * Black, tarry or bloody stools * Lightheadedness * Loss of consciousness in severe cases Your doctor might suspect esophageal varices if you have signs of liver disease, including: * Yellow coloration of your skin and eyes (jaundice) * Easy bleeding or bruising * Fluid buildup in your abdomen (ascites)


If the patient have cirrhosis, the doctor should screen for esophageal varices when diagnosed. Main tests used to diagnose esophageal varices are: * Endoscopic exam- The doctor will look for dilated veins, measure them, if found, and check for red streaks and red spots, which usually indicate a significant risk of bleeding. Treatment can be performed during the exam. * Imaging tests- Both abdominal CT scans and Doppler ultrasounds of the splenic and portal veins can suggest the presence of esophageal varices. An ultrasound test called transient elastography that measures scarring in the liver can help your doctor determine if you have portal hypertension, which may lead to esophageal varices. * Capsule endoscopy


The primary aim in treating esophageal varices is to prevent bleeding. Bleeding esophageal varices are life-threatening. If bleeding occurs, treatments are available to try to stop the bleeding.


☝ We provide information on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diagnosis, procedures and lab tests. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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