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Folate deficiency anemia

by Alike Medical Team ∙ Updated on June 13, 2023

Additional names

This group contains additional names: - Folic Acid Deficiency


Folate (also called Folic acid or vitamin B9) is a vitamin your body needs to function properly. Folate makes and repairs DNA and helps in red blood cells production. Folate is extremely important if you are planning to get pregnant, as normal levels can reduce the chance of spinal cord malformation in your baby. We consume folate from out diet. If you had a weight loss surgery, or you have a malabsorption disorder like Crohn’s or Celiac disease, you might develop a deficiency because you body is not absorbing enough vitamins. Folate dificiency may cause anemia.

27 people with Folate deficiency anemia are on Alike.

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Signs & symptoms

Symptoms may include fatigue, gray hair, mouth sores, tongue swelling, growth problems, pale skin, shortness of breath and irritability.


Diagnosis is done by blood tests.


Treatment involves folate supplements. If you are planning to get pregnant, you should add Folate supplements to your daily routine.


☝ We provide information on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diagnosis, procedures and lab tests. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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