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Reactive gastropathy

by Alike Medical Team ∙ Updated on June 13, 2023

Additional names

This group contains additional names: - Chemical gastropathy


Reactive gastropathy, also known as chemical gastropathy, refers to a long-term process of a mucosal injury caused by chronic exposure to irritating substances. These substances produce a chemical reaction that erodes your stomach lining over time. Reactive gastropathy is usually caused by: - Chronic use of medications from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) family, including ibuprofen, Advil, and naproxen. - Bile reflux. - Chronic alcohol use or smoking. - H. pylori infection.

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Signs & symptoms

Most common of reactive gastropathy are the same as any gastropathy and include: - Abdominal pain or discomfort. - Nausea. - Indigestion.


The most efficient way to diagnose reactive gastropathy or any other gastropathy is by an upper endoscopy exam, best known as gastroscopy, in which a gastroenterologist examines your upper digestive system using a tube connected to a tiny camera. If a abnormal tissue is located, a biopsy may be taken for a microscopic evaluation.


Treatments for reactive gastropathy might include: - Acid-blocking medications, such as Omeprazole, Esomeprazole, and Pantoprazole. - Medicines that coat and protect your stomach lining, such as bismuth subsalicylate and sucralfate. - Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections in case of an H. pylori infection.


☝ We provide information on prescription and over-the-counter medicines, diagnosis, procedures and lab tests. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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