Reading the books of the Medical Medium and follow his protocols that eliminates the bad foods that feed the viruses, etc in the body causing the chronic disease and detoxing the toxins! Otherwise at 60 years of age had seen many doctors/specialists that had no answers…gave me a label of celiac disease to IBS …but the drugs did nothing and various diets tried failed. Researched and tried alternatives like FODMAPS; SCD diet; remove nightshade, lectins to trying Dr. Axe’s leaky gut program that also failed. In that particular program that offered private Facebook group for support and to chat with others, is where I was referred to the Medical Medium. My best results are from his protocols. Of course there will be much stated he is a scam…,,not in my book or from my health improvements. If a scam…best damn scam I’ve ever tried! My immune system is strong… I can leave my home again and enjoy life with chronic disease issues healing or healed…like dry eye, eczema, reflux, indigestion., healed numerous food intolerances…. reduced diarrhea issues drastically so I can be out and about without fear of accidents. So the protocols of the MM was the most accommodating for my chronic illnesses. Read his books…info on line..Facebook/Instagram/Pinterest and more. He’s not a scam but know why he’s labeled a scam……because he reveals the “truths” to the whys of chronic illness! We are to stay “dumbed down” about this info to keep taking drugs to going to doctors/hospitals! Unfortunately the medical system cares less about our HEALTH and keeps us unhealthy for their benefits! What the FDA allows in our food/water is disgusting. Our children/future of this world have a ridiculous increase in chronic diseases in children over past 50 years at the hands of so called “doctor” Fauci!!! 😱 Uncalled for ..shameful!
For example. …a nasty bowel leakage issue was never resolved over all the doctors seen…to find when making bone broths for leaky gut program …needed filtered water. So bought a 5gal jug of reverse osmosis water and decided to drink and cook with this as jokingly I thought as I eliminated so many foods with not good results (before the MM) maybe it’s the water! Well in two weeks that nasty symptom started to heal.. and no drug or diet helped …to research what would be in water to affect my bowels!?!!! FLUORIDE!!!! Once I continually used filtered water and avoided any forms of fluoride, that bowel leakage symptom that started a year after moving to a city with fluoridated water, has not returned!!! I bought the Berkey water filtration system with add on fluoride filters ..ProOne now has a system with one main filter that also removes fluoride and they are compatible to the Berkey system. I avoided to continue with the reverse osmosis water as it removes beneficial minerals and is acidic! Not good for your health but thankful for it as it offered me the use of it to learn what my body was fighting against! Unfortunately all the doctors I told about simply avoiding the fluoride finally stopped the years of bowel issues …they didn’t care!!! BINGO!!!’ THEY DIDN’T …CARE..TO LISTEN!
Our health the dental organization…still endorse fluoride…a neurotoxin! Our environment to the drugs are toxic and causing so much disease. Yet we are all convinced that the medical system of the past 50+ years cares! 🤣