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Updated 2mo ago

Seeking Stories: How has ADHD impacted your relationships?

Hi guys, as some diagnosised young I feel I am very much in control of my adhd but it is very hard sometimes. I am trying to start a larger community to help people that might feel isolated due to various factors. id love hearing stories of how adhd has effected you. I for one have had loads of online gfs but struggle irl because I don't have time to think in person usually and mess it up.

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One person shared their story of being diagnosed with ADHD at 18 and trying various medications. They have managed to hold down a career for the past 6 years, become a homeowner, get married, and care...See More




I was diagnosed with inattentive adhd at the age of 24. I'd say I'm still coming to terms with it, but learning to live with it at the same time. Recently, i had an interview and definitely butchered it because of my adhd and not preparing enough for it. Still single cuz I'd feel I'd say like one sentence to a girl, and they'd not like me because they'd see me as boring. With jobs in the past, I haven't been continuing with them because I got bored of them/ didn't like them.



I was diagnosed around 7 years old with ADD myself and it has effected my relationships in my family, friends, and romantic life. Not all was bad to be honest but there have been various struggles and hurdles to overcome. My whole journey got on a rough start to be honest, the only reason I got tested was a teacher threatened to kick me out of her class if I didn't get medicated. Turns out I did in fact have ADD but still a rough start. I've also struggled in the romantic part of life however and did online gf/bf ALOT due to some other issues I have. However I've actually found a partner that also has ADHD that I click with and I've dated for 5 years now. It is the best dating experiance I've ever had to be honest. There was defiantly still a learning process on both sides as everyone with ADD/ADHD have different traits or quirks of them. No two are the same, it's up to you to open commination and figure each other's quirks out.



I was diagnosed at 12, ADD originally, but was never given any kind of therapy or coping mechanisms and was given Ritalin which can have a number of side effects if taken before the age of 22 years old. Mainly the side effects I suffered were worsening symptoms I already had and that was permanent, the other thing it did was give me a resistance to ADHD medications so I regularly get no effect or just the side effects with no helpful effects.

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