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1y ago

Seeking advice for possible ADHD symptoms

Hi I was wondering if anyone suffering from Adhd can help me, I haven't been diagnosed with it as far as I know but I have some symptoms of it. I forget things alot easily too even if someone just told me what it was , I space out a lot and I have a lot of trouble focusing on things that I need to do I have a short attention span too, I sometimes do impulsive stuff without thinking about what I'm doing I'm always restless and I get irritated easily

Can you help? connect today



1y ago

Hey Alessa, what exactly is your question?


1y ago

Sounds a lot like ADHD if that's what you're after. I got diagnosed with it back in 2014.


1y ago

Hey Alessa! I’ve had ADHD for a while now but I really just see it as being normal now - or at least I’ve tried not to think about it too much. Im a very forgetful person myself and unorganized! I relate to your situation. There’s nothing wrong with what you’re going through right now. I’ve always viewed spacing out as just being creative and having an interest elsewhere! Although I don’t follow it myself, people often say creating a schedule or routine might help. Make it fun! Something that’ll engage you. Often place spots you lose right after setting down next to places you associate the item with. Example: You could set down a cup in the kitchen because that’s where it belongs. You might find a lot of people have ADHD more than you think. I don’t think it’s really necessary to get a testing, in my opinion, but it can be helpful if you wish to apply for scholarships (or if in school) have people who can help you! You’ll need an official diagnosis. Let me know if you have any questions or thoughts 🙏


1y ago

Hi! That does sound like ADHD Adhd and autism are actually special interests of mine if you would like to talk more. I can share my own experiences and things ive learned and you might relate to it :3


1y ago

Definitely sounds like ADHD


1y ago

Sounds like adhd to me. I don’t have many methods to help but I can say getting medicated has saved me. If they refuse to test you for adhd I’d look into seeing a different doc if you can. Otherwise just keep advocating for yourself!


1y ago

Yep sounds like ADHD


1y ago

Yah I’ve been diagnosed with it nd I do those things plus sum other things like hyper focus, switching from task to task, blank staring/spacing out lol, alwayssss forget what I walked in a room for then do sum else then remember nd go back, but yah sounds like u have it

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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