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2y ago

Adjusting to a New Normal: Coping with Mental Health Struggles

How do I get used to feeling “normal” when I’ve felt anything but that for so long?

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2y ago

I wish I could tell you. I have been a diabetic for almost 32 years and I feel anything but normal. Especially since all my friends are normal.


2y ago

redefine the definition of normal. no one is “normal” and everyone has a different definition of normal, your “normal” doesn’t need to line up to their “normal” for you to be “normal” you’re absolutely perfect the way you are and if someone has a problem with that then they don’t deserve to be around someone as amazing as you


2y ago

I honestly know how you feel. I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in may 2020, and ever since I haven't felt normal, and I just have know my normal has changed. And there is no normal. Everyone definition of normal is different, and I use to cry all the time because I knew I was way different then my support system and then I figured out all because my normal has changed doesn't mean I'm normal has fully changed just means my normal has changed. I just have to check my sugar and take my insulin. And if I get stared at in public my response is take a picture it last longer. Because I'm proud to be a diabetic because its ok to be a type 1 diabetic its not our fault that our pancreas has failed. And its ok to take our sugars and do our insulin at the table we shouldn't have hide it. And I don't, I look at my sugars from my phone I have a cgm and if I question it then I poke myself and then I do my shot right there. You got this girl. If you want you can send me a dm.


2y ago

Beautiful question and I have no idea what the answer is. I've had to accept my new normal which isn't most people's normal


2y ago

I feel you man, I’ve been in that slump for 1 and a half years now, and I’m still not adjusted and “back to normal” it sucks, all I can say, is that what you have is your new normal, no one should except you to accept it right away, trust me, my parents know how I feel, especially my dad, he was a type 1 himself, all I can say again, is just try and live a positive life and just know that people will always be there for you

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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