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2y ago

Alternative Ways to Manage Mental Health?

Other than meds are there other things that can help me?

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2y ago

Some say that exercising helps but how can it make you feel better if you're already sore ....😥😥😥😥😥


2y ago

I understand what you're saying. I'm 49 and eat up with many autos. I stretch every morning and every night now. I wasn't able to do what I do now, when I 1st started. I started slow. I'd lay in bed, and stretch my entire body. Easily. I didn't force my muscles but wanted to do what my body allowed. I stretched slowly and waited to see all day, and even the next to see if I'd be in pain from it. Surprisingly, I was good. So, started stretching every morning that same way. Then, started stretching my legs while laying in bed. I'll take my legs one at a time and bend at the knees toward my chest. Then I do both. I watched lots of easy mild stretching videos. So I do what I can now. I find stretching through the day helps too. If I'm just sitting at my desk or after I've been in the car for a bit. I stretch my neck and arms. Start slow. Don't push your body. Start walking too. Even if it's just in your yard. Start slow. I'm up to 2 and 3 blocks at a time now. Doesn't sound like a lot. But I'm thrilled lol


2y ago

I do stretching. I explained in a comment to someone else. Start low and slow. Walking helps me too. Again, start low & slow. Be mindful of what foods you eat. Greasy & too many processed foods are awful for us with Autos. Too much sugar isn't good either. I also use herbs & minerals, as well as vitamins. I detox every 6 months too. Many think it's too much work. But I'd rather do as I do. Than be back on pain meds & still bedridden & hurting all of the time or having to worry about 10 side effects I'll have to manage 1 thing. They have tried prescribing me everything under the sun. The only medicine I take is for my Lupus & I take it rarely. Its HCQ remember the controversial drug that hit the news waves. It works well for many things. The only side effect is blurred vision which many of my autos cause as well. Ugh if you ever need to ask any questions or just wanna chat. I'd be happy to talk with you.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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