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1y ago

Looking for experiences with anti-depressants

is anyone on anti-depressants and is willing to share their experience with them?

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1y ago

I would like this answer also. Are you or have you tried anything? I've tried lexapro for only one night and made me shake so bad and body spasm and panic attack after panic attack all night. Next day side effects kind of went away but was to scared to do a 2nd night. I hear so many good reviews but I hear horrible reviews also. So scary but I want to try again because I'm tired of living like this.


1y ago

It’s definitely scary seeing side effects rather than the intended effects, and I can see where you’re coming from. I would definitely recommend getting GeneSight testing done to see which meds metabolize well in your body and will not have adverse effects. All of the antidepressants that I’ve had severe side effects with were in the column that signifies the least compatible with my body, and the one I’m on right now (Viibryd) was in the column with the most compatible meds, so at least in my experience it’s rather accurate!


1y ago

I’m currently on Viibryd which has GREATLY improved my mental stability. Anxiety’s a whole different beast that I’m trying to get under control, but at least for antidepressants I feel comfortable. Is it a miracle drug? No. But is it a lot better than taking nothing??? I cannot say YES more enthusiastically. Antidepressants are very personalized though and each one has different effects on each person. I would recommend meeting with a psychiatrist to see exactly what kind of med would help the most, and also take GeneSight testing to see which meds work well metabolically with your body!


1y ago

I have been taking Prozac for years and this is the first year where I don’t feel debilitated! I take 30mg and find it’s what works best for me. It has calmed my nerves a lot and I also have my medical card to help with it as well


1y ago

Depression is a chemical inbalance, and meditations are the chemicals that correct that, but keep in mind that every person is different. Not every comment you read is going to apply to you. ■I took FLUOXETINE. It was good, but my body would get accustomed to it. Eventually, we couldn't keep increasing the dose. ■I switched to ZOLOFT (sertraline), it brought me lower than I ever had been before. I was a zombie, I didn't feel anything at all, no sadness, no happiness. When I did feel it was an superficial smile or the urge to unalive myself. Now, I'm on CYMBALTA (Duloxetine). Its amazing! I feel so much better. I stopped having panic attacks. My migraines went away. My depression decreased immensely. It has worked me wonders! Message me for more if you need


1y ago

oh wow. Awesome you found one that worked for you. Thats great you didn't give up adter those horrible ones. How awful.


1y ago

Meds are really worthwhile. Antidepressants don’t work for me because I have bipolar so my experiences have been bad with them, but bipolar meds saved my life. You might have a few bad reactions but stick with it. It’s also very probable that you will find the right one on the first try! A lot of people do.


1y ago

I'm currently on Zoloft at 200mg which is the max. For me it has not helped. The most it has done was sorta even out my mood. Aka less mood swings. But I'm going to start the process of weaning off and switching to Lexapro


1y ago

Alprazolam has been a godsend for me.. I use it on an as needed basis, and I have a doctor that understands. I take .5 mg as needed and most of the time I break that in half and take .25 mg when I feel like a panic attack is coming on. When I have major panic attacks I end up laying on the floor on my back with my knees up and complete body trembling. It's absolutely horrific. Alprazolam helps me get back to normal quicker. It is a benzodiazepine so people say you can become addicted. I don't care, because it's the only thing that's ever worked for me.


1y ago

I’ve been on antidepressants since I was 14, I honestly can’t remember what it’s like to not be on them. I’ve been taking the same ones since I was 17. It’s hard to tell if it’s actually helping or if I’m just used to having them

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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