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Updated 11mo ago

Anxiety-Related Aches and Pains: Should I Be Worried?

are my aches and pains anxiety related or could it be something more serious . Anyone here have pain I'm back arms and chest due to anxiety ??

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I have fibromyalgia… I think I now have anxiety as well due to everything I deal with with fibromyalgia.. but I have a lot of back pain, chest pain and arm pain.. pain everywhere at anytime really. 😣 I think you should speak with your doctor especially if it’s new and has been happening for a while



I have gone to the Dr. Did an ekg that was normal. All my lipids , cholesterol, blood pleasure and thyroid are good. He believed it was anxiety. I'm very active , live on a farm and have been doing alot of shoveling. Also refinished my moms house so tons of painting. You would think I would logically be able to tell myself that these pains are from that but my brain won't let it. It tells me I'm going to have a heart attack or these pains are from lung cancer. Every pain since me into a panic that never did before. This anxiety is new to me and I want to go back to the person I used to be just 6 months ago.



Yes, I have had anxiety show up as chest pain and pain in the areas you identified. In fact, I was going to the ER often enough that they would do an EKG and when that would show up as nothing the doctor would come in and say well, we think this is anxiety. That said, it is important to talk to your doctor and have physical at least done so that they're aware that you're having these pains and can check it out. You never want to assume that chest pain is just anxiety, because well could be, it could also not be. You want to know for sure. But yes, if they do some testing and it comes back that it isn't heart related or acid reflux, for example, then yes it's probably anxiety.



pain in your back of arms is something you should get checked out

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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