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2y ago

Struggling with Anxiety and Self-Doubt

I got this app cause i feel like it might be helpful but my anxiety keeps telling me that im faking all my conditions or that i dont have them because i havent been officially diagnosed. Ive been told i probably have them by doctors, but its hard for me to make the calls i need to to get appointments to get tested. I feel like a masive fake. its so hard to talk to people, even if its internet strangers lol

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2y ago

Im also scared to put some of my consitions that i havent been diagnosed with on here because even though i know i have them im scared that im wrong and ill get judges for saying i have them qhen i dont actually


2y ago

forget about what other people think , say, or do when it comes you you you know your body. I have been in a season of my life where the medical things have kept coming. It’s been six years and if I have learned one thing while on this journey it’s don’t even think you are wrong and that you are crazy. It’s your body, and if you have diagnosis or not it’s no matter to anyone how you chose to deal with it. I have felt just like you and I new I wasn’t losing my mind. I had my second surgery on my spine to get a bit of relief from the pain I had. The doctor made an error and misplaced a screw while putting I. Some hardware. I was miserable and finally I returned to my doc telling him I needed an mri that I was not recovering and that new pain had started. He was kinda dismissive until seeing the mri. No way he could dismiss it and the radiologist noted there was a misplaced screw. It’s a constant battle and the judgement ftt Ery on others is very difficult but don’t let it be the reason you continue to suffer .


2y ago

totally get you… this happens to me as well, you’re definitely not alone.


2y ago

I feel the same way a lot! I like to think of it as a trick my brain's trying to play on me. I dunno if it will help you to imagine the same, but I hope you find something that helps!


2y ago

Don't be afraid, this is supposed to be a safe space. Just because a doctor didn't write down you had something doesn't mean you don't have it. I'm not diagnosed with depression or anxiety but I know I still have it. It can be scary to make the appointments, to face the realization but you can do it. I promise you're not alone.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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