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2y ago

Bleeding every day with endometriosis

I bleed every single day…I have for months. I had surgery in October to remove some endo and very little was removed. I stated having 2-3 week long periods until I was bleeding every day. So I had a hysteroscopy in February only for them to shed some lining. I have continued to bleed every day but no periods. I hadn’t had a full period since the surgery in February. I finally have a full blown period this past week and now the bleeding has randomly stopped…I’m just not sure for how long. I’ve tried so many birth controls…I’m just tired of wearing pads every day.

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2y ago

I can definitely relate.. I had surgery in December 2021 to remove a 10cm cyst on my left ovary (got diagnosed with endo then) and everything was fine after surgery but mid February the non-stop flood started. I haven’t had a for sure period since, been dealing with brown dark blood and light red blood since everyday. My (ex) doctor told me it wasn’t related to endo and it was just hormones but I’ve gotten some bad advice from them in the past so I’m currently changing doctors. Plus now I have a 3.5 cyst on my right ovary so their medical approach did not work out. Just know you aren’t alone and to find a good REAL endo doctor to talk you through and help you understand ALL your symptoms.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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