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2y ago

Blurry vision during migraines, anyone else?

Hey y’all I’ve had migraines since I was about 5 and over the years it has changed a lot with symptoms and things I get with migraines however does anyone eyes go blurry when they get a really bad migraine mine has gotten to the point that my old job got angry at me and sent me home cause I just couldn’t really focus on what I was doing and/or would just mess it up since I’ve gotten glasses it has gotten much better but at times I will get dizzy and my eyes will go blurry and it happens while I’m driving which is obviously very dangerous.

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2y ago

Oh no!!! That’s very scary. Have you seen a neurologist? Have you done a scan? To make sure it’s nothing more than migraines. I’m sorry that you are going through all of that. Have you tried acupuncture or chiropractor yet? Hope you feel better soon.


2y ago

I have not seen a neurologist! I’m 17 and for as long as I had migraines my doctor always said to just lay down close my eyes and it will get better soon he prescribed me migraine medicine when the vision problems started happening that medicine basically puts me to sleep for whatever reason.. I have also not tried acupuncture or a chiropractor yet migraines run in my family so my doctors just kind of brushed it off.


2y ago

That has happened to me once before. I was closing up at work and I thought I was going blind. It freaked me out really bad. I don't get it that bad usually, but I have visual snow (static in my vision) 24/7 that gets more active before and during migraines. And I do get other visual distortions similar to when you see hot air rising off of something. I don't know if any of these are similar to your experience. The freaky vision stuff is a big part of why I don't drive. I find a lot of the visual stuff gets worse with light, so I wear sunglasses whenever I go out, even on cloudy days and especially in places with bright fluorescent lights and just anywhere when I have a migraine. I recommend avoiding light as best you can and also maybe seeing a neurologist if you can as the other commenter said! I've been told to see one too but haven't gotten around to it...


2y ago

I do wear glasses but if I have a migraine and don’t have my glasses on me I won’t be able to see things in medium sized lettering and big lettering will just look kind of fuzzy I can’t see small lettering without my glasses to begin with so that’s also off the table lol but everything in my sight will just obviously not be clear and it kind of makes me feel like I am just walking around in like a drunken state basically


2y ago

When I get migraines I get an aura during the attack itself. sometimes whole chunks of my vision get completely blurred out and I can only see about half of what I normally could, other times I see spots of light or almost tiny bolts of light moving around my visual field


2y ago



2y ago

Hi! what you’re experiencing may be called an aura! I usually get them (like tv static) before my head ever starts hurting. it’s starts like like spotty vision and i can only see out of my peripheral. and once the pain sets in i lose my vision completely to the tv static. it can be scary especially when you’re out and alone or driving. is your experience like this? or are you still able to see??


2y ago

Have you tried acupuncture or chiropractor yet?


1y ago

Mine do a lot even with my glasses on.


1y ago

Hi ArtemisEden!!! I too have had migraines almost my whole life. I started getting them when I was 8 and no one believed me. When I have a really bad migraine sometimes my vision goes blurry but for me it’s more of a morning and day after blurry vision thing. However I don’t think it’s rare that you get that. I hope this helped!! If you ever need anything my DM are always open!! And if no one’s told you get today you’re so loved and I’m so proud of you!!! 💜


1y ago

That happened to me for the first time about 2 months ago before the dizziness and nausea started becoming a regular aspect of my migraine. I'm told they're called auras. They're supposed harmless. At least they don't cause long-lasting damage, but that doesn't stop them from being generally awful.


1y ago

When I have really bad ones I'll not be able to see straight. I'll also get really nauseated and the world will spin if I move. Most of the time it's just the pain.

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