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2y ago

How to Calm Down When Anxiety Strikes: Tips and Tricks

how do you calm down when you start having really bad anxiety?

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2y ago

i dont 💀 i literally just don't


2y ago

Focus on deep breathing, man. It sounds cliche but it's true. I don't follow those weird breathing patterns that you read online, honestly they just stress me out more, but if you focus on the way that your chest is expanding and then getting smaller can be a good way to ground yourself. Also sometimes sitting in a corner or holding on to something that feels sturdy can also help 😗👌


2y ago

Attempting to challenge the anxious thoughts. Like if I’m spiraling about going to a social event I try to ask my anxiety (I call mine Vivian to separate it from myself - a CBT recommended that) what’s the worst that can happen? Or remind myself that I’m going to a place where people want me to have a good time like I want them to have a good time. Or come up with a plan so that if it is as bad as my anxiety thinks it will be I can leave. Plus deep breathing, doing something that will distract me from anxiety (playing animal crossing or watching a movie usually work for me), or doing yoga


2y ago

I try not to focus on the thing that is giving me anxiety. Like if it's something your going to do like a presentation then I remind myself that literally no one cares about you, they are only thinking and working about themselves. And if it isn't something like that then I occupy myself by doing a self project, like something in your home maybe it's a diy project. Or I occupy myself by going threw notification, like emails, and cleaning them. Hope this helps ❤️


2y ago

So what I do is look around me and ask what do I see? Then I list things I see. Then ask what do I hear, smell, taste. It helps me ground myself and helps me to loss focus on what I was having anxiety about.


2y ago

I start trying different breathing exercises, it makes me focus more on counting rather than what is making me anxious


2y ago

My dog helps


2y ago

When it’s really really bad and I feel a blackout spiral coming I get a bowl of ice water (I know stay with me here) then hold my breath and put my face in at as long as I can tolerate. Repeat until the feeling backs off a bit. Sending good vibes your way 💕


2y ago

I just breathe and drink water


2y ago

Outside time and cleaning with weed can help me though a meltdown.


2y ago

I do breathing/awareness exercises like the counting breaths and identifying senses. If it's really intense (verging on panic attack) try putting an ice cube in your mouth first. The cold can help to distract a bit so you can work on whatever technique is best for you.


2y ago

Something new I’ve been taught uses your senses. Try focusing on something like your shirt, table, something like that then start thinking about how it feels, what it looks like, and start describing it to yourself. It helps move your attention to something else so you can recover.


2y ago

this method has gotten me through so many panic attacks! It’s called grounding, just in case anyone wants to research more about it ☺️

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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