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Updated 1y ago

Understanding the Spoon Theory

Can someone explain the spoon theory to me, please? I've been trying to learn about it and im just... well... confused. Also open for chat buddies.

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The spoon theory is a metaphor for personal energy. It represents the idea that everyone has a different amount of "spoons" or energy to spend in their day. Each activity costs a certain number of spo...See More




For spoon theory, imagine that everyone is given some spoons each morning. Some people get tons of spoons - these are the people who have few or no physical or mental health struggles, they're strong and healthy and confident. Some people don't get many spoons at all - people who are dealing with some harder things, like severe injury, physical or mental health struggles, etc. Now imagine that every thing you do costs spoons. Maybe getting out of bed costs 5 spoons. If you have 500 spoons, that's easy - no problem! But if you have 20 that's already a lot of your spoons gone. When you run out of spoons, you're done. You can't do anything else that day. Maybe you can borrow some spoons from the next day, but that means you can't do as much the next day. People with lots of spoons often don't understand why people with fewer spoons can't do things - after all, it only costs 5 or 10 spoons, that's nothing! But if you only have 20 spoons, that's a huge number of spoons to lose. I hope that helps make a bit more sense of it! Let me know if you have any questions 🤗



Thank you. That does make it make sense. How do you know how many spoons you have?



you explained that way better than the spoon app I downloaded lol my mom and I talk similarly; you push and do it today, but what will it cost you tomorrow?



That makes more sense than a definite number. Thank you!



yes, exactly. Makes me wanna give whatever spoon app I had another try! See how many spoons I have a day

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