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2y ago

Can't Sleep, Don't Want to Sleep: Any Advice?

Its 1am for me rn and I honestly have no desire to sleep. I'm always exhausted and can't get work done in school because I'm sleeping as much as possible without getting I trouble (online schooling, no camera and mic required) and I just don't want to sleep because I'm gonna be tired anyways. I'd rather sleep after school. I know it's stupid because you need sleep to function but does anybody else relate or have advice?

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2y ago

I felt like this for a while before I dropped out. What helped me a lot was actually doing more during my day. I got a full time job and now at the end of the day I am tired enough to go to sleep. I also started taking Trazodone to help with going to sleep, I take that and I usually knock out within an hour or two where it took 4-5 hours of just sitting in bed before, even with taking 15mg of melatonin


2y ago

I'm on medication but I'm still always exauhsted. I even used to have a really good sleep schedule for like a few months and I was still tired all the time. This is also like my third sleep medication

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