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2y ago

Can't Sleep, Need Help!

My insomnia is so bad I can’t fall asleep and haven’t until like 6am for months and I just want to cry…melatonin, trazodone, klonopin, ambien, no caffeine, waking up early, no naps, not of it has helped…

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2y ago

Hon I feel ya. Still wired and it's 3 am.


2y ago

Best I can tell you is to at least try to create a routine. Inside at certain time, shower, in bed by like 9 or 10. Watch TV for 30 min to 1 hr, then all electronics off for the night. Just lay in the dark. Sometimes a little ASMR or nature noises work for me at least a little.


2y ago

It’s not his fault but it’s so annoying that my husband is sound asleep next to me


2y ago

This sleep cove podcast I found has helped me a lot but also the wysa sleep app. It's a bitch tho some days it doesn't work have u tried Seroquel?


2y ago

i have the same problem. it feels like my internal clock is just different than the rest mf the world


2y ago

What sometimes helps me is blocking out your senses. I listen to a certain video on YouTube. If you search migraine relief music, it should be a few down by Jason Stephenson. Play that or something soothing in headphones so you can't hear anything else, cover your eyes, and focus on relaxing one body part at a time. I also have a melatonin spray by Dr. Teals I like to put on my pillow while I'm winding down to remind my body what it's supposed to be doing. Good luck to you! I hope you find something that helps💕


2y ago

Ambien did not work for you? It worked very well for me for about 8 years, then it stopped working.

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