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2y ago

Seeking Information on Chemotherapy Process

I have had surgery to remove tumor. Will be starting the chemo process. Would like more information about what to expect. Different ways to recieve chemo, ect.

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2y ago

Me too!


2y ago

I did surgery and finished chemo , but I think people and situations are different, how was your surgery?


2y ago

That is true… each one is different. I did chemo and radiation first, then surgery and follow up with chemo. Be strong and always think positive. You can beat this..


2y ago

I did surgery and went with a port and a pump and 6 months of chemo treatments. I wanted to be as aggressive as possible to kick cancer’s butt.


2y ago

I had a very large tumor on my colon. I was diagnosed with that in October. I had it removed in November and started chemo in December which was capacitapine. It was not bad at all. I set myself up to be the worst thing ever, it wasn't The only thing major I guess would be the hand foot and mouth syndrome which I only got it on my hands and feet which was a bright bright red and burning. But not once did I vomit. I had pills for the nausea which was ondansetron which worked very very quickly so you may want to ask your doctor for that. I asked for it before I even started chemo this way I had it on hand. I just finished up my sixth month of chemo and I'll see my oncologist in 3 weeks. But for those who are starting chemo I know everybody's different but as I said I really set myself up for the worst I didn't even lose any hair so good luck to you all.


2y ago

Capacitabine ( typo )

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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