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1y ago

Seeking Insight on SCT for MM Patients and Weight Loss Struggles

Hi, hoping to connect with MM patients who have had SCT as I am getting ready for one and would like some insight. Also struggling to lose weight gained from Dex.

Can you help? connect today



8mo ago

'm in the same boat. It would be great to hear how others managed the post-transplant phase and any tips they have for shedding the Dex weight


6mo ago

I totally get where you're coming from. Going through a stem cell transplant (SCT) can feel like a whirlwind, but trust me, you're not alone in this journey! 🎢 When I had my SCT, I found it helpful to stay connected with fellow patients who've been through it. They shared tips and insights that made the process a bit less daunting. As for shedding those pesky Dex pounds, it's a journey, not a sprint. Focus on balanced meals, light exercises (even short walks help!), and stay positive. You've got this, and we're all here cheering you on! 💪


6mo ago

re SCT, I found it exteemely helpful to stay informed about the process and potential side effects. Make sure to ask your healthcare team any questions or concerns you have—they're there to support you every step of the way.


6mo ago

thank you


6mo ago

Hey there! gearing up for an SCT, huh? That's a big step, but you got this! I went through one myself not too long ago, and it's definitely a journey. The recovery can be a bit of a rollercoaster, but stay strong during the worse days and take it one day at a time. As for that pesky weight gain from Dex, I feel ya, remember it passes once the treatment is over, and that is kind of changes the distribution of fat in your body, it doesn't go in your abdomen, but also in the neck and other weird areas... 🙈


6mo ago

that weight gain struggle is real! Swap out all the junk for wholesome eats, try to eat more non-processed food, and keep on movin' and exercisin'. You're a warrior, remember that! 🛡️

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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