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2mo ago

Considering Anti-Depressants: Seeking Advice

I've been considering trying to ask about anti-depressants, but I don't know if there's a chance it would actually help me. For anyone that feels comfortable and is/has been on them, did it help at all? And if it did were the side effects worth it?

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2mo ago

I take pristiq and have for about 10 years. It has helped immensely with my mood overall being able to manage day to day. I'm still depressed and feel down but overall I'm able to function and get through life


2mo ago

i have had really bad experiences with anti depressants, but i’ve also had breakthroughs. i would not be able to function without them. you just need to find the right combo


2mo ago

I avoid big Pharma drugs after many poor outcomes. Exercise, feet on the Earth, magnesium Gycinate at bed, GABA, and Ashwaganda.


2mo ago

Antidepressants saved my life. It took a WHILE to find the right medication and dosage but it's completely worth it


2mo ago

I take wellbutrin and it is great! I don't have a lot of side effects and I can actually function.


2mo ago

I take celexa which really does work. The side effects weren't that bad for me. It was not major just minor things. If you have a psychiatrist talk to them about your side effect concern and they should put you on a good anti depressant based on your concern


2mo ago

I've tried spravato and am currently on it still. It's helped, but I've gotten down to once a week, and I'm already splitting again.


2mo ago

Yes, they help. I take Adderall and Lexapro. I need both to function. I tried just Adderall but I got depressed and anxious again. So I got back on an antidepressant and I am so glad I did! I used to take effexor and I got some side effects. But my psychiatrist got to know me and recommended the Lexapro and she was right! It helps me without any side effects. So definitely see a psychiatrist and they will help you get the right one for you and let you try different ones till you find the right one for you.


2mo ago

anti depression meds take the depression away but its up to you to create that happiness or else you're gonna feel empty. I use lexapro and it works well but once you start it's gonna be a little hard to get off. no side effects getting on but there is getting off

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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