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2y ago

Controlling Ascities and Muscle Loss with Cirrhosis of the Liver

Controlling ascities and muscle loss regarding cirrhosis of the liver.

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2y ago

I didn't even know muscle loss was a symptom of fatty liver!! That makes so much sense! I've had such severe muscle pain and Charlie horses even though I dunno like 5 liters of water a day! I just though "oh I'm 40 now so I guess my muscles are just going to do that". I had to quit my job as a server because my body was experiencing so much pain. I'm not overweight, but now exercising seems so much more important. I feel like complete garbage almost everyday. Why did my doctor not mention this? I swear I asked her if it would cause my body to be super achy. She said it wasn't bad enough yet to be causing any other symptoms besides my fatigue, but I think she is wrong!


2y ago

, I know it sounds crazy but put a bar of soap underneath your sheets near your legs. This helps tremendously with cramps and spasms. Rubbing a bar on the cramping area helps also.


2y ago

Do you take a statin?


2y ago

no I have never tried it!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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