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1y ago

Looking for advice on Crohn's treatment options

i just got diagnosed with crohn's, I'm only 27 and I'm kinda freaking out. anyone willing to share their experiences with humera or remicade? how is it doing regular injections or infusions? is anyone having success with alternative medicines or are the prescription meds my only option.

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1y ago

Hi! I just found out I had Crohn’s disease one year ago! I get inflextra infusions which is the generic of Remicade. I get infusions every 28 days and it really helps. Its so good to have a diagnosis and a way to feel better. I pray you get to feeling better real soon🙏


1y ago

Yes I've had crohns 18yrs n been on both humera and remicade. Humera didn't do much 4 me bt remicade is AWESOME lol get it every 6 wks n I'm in remission right now


1y ago

I’m so glad ur in remission! Wow you’ve had it a long time


1y ago

Hey fellow Crohnie! Been dealing with it for 24 years now, but haven't tried Humira yet! I was on Remicade for about a year, but it didn't do much for me so I switched to Stelara (which worked wonderfully for several years! Kinda having more bad days than good days lately and my last set of scopes showed moderate inflammation again, so my GI has talked about switching to Humira at some point next year. Personally I prefer regular injections to infusions just because it's less time-consuming imo). I hope you're able to find some relief soon!!


1y ago

yep ever since I was 16. Took me a very very long time to reach remission bt it finally happened


1y ago

Hi! I've been on remicade for a couple years now and it gave me my life back! My doctor let me choose between remicade and humira and I chose remicade because I'd rather get infusions than give myself shots.


1y ago

Remicade was the first medication I was on. It worked well until I got a fungal infection lol. Also Humira worked four years for me , but then stopped. It could work longer for you though, it depends on your body.


1y ago

Well I have crohns diesease and I take injections of humera every 2 weeks it's not the best but it is not bad either me personally I don't like shots but I'm told I will get used to them it is not a big needle like what so ever but it still hurts a little I have definetly gotten better after taking humera


1y ago

I have crohns and am on humira! I just got a call from my doctor recently that i have no signs of inflammation in my colon after a year of being on humira so its been wonderful for me. It did take a few medication tries to get to this point though. I am very scared of needles but the injections are not too bad especially the auto-injector ones


1y ago

Hi! I’m 22 and was diagnosed when I was 11. I was on Remicade until a few months ago. It worked well enough, but for a while I had to take Methotrexate as well. I ended up having about a foot of intestines removed in 2018 because of the amount of scarring. That helped for a while, but over the last couple years I stopped responding to the Remicade. I started Entyvio back in September, and so far I’ve felt great. As far as alternative solutions go, I can say for me personally it helps to stay as active as I can, but unfortunately that’s not always possible. I’ve had issues with depression and anxiety as well, and I’ve found that the more I can keep those in check, the better my Crohn’s symptoms are as well. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have, and I wish you the best!! 💜

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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