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2y ago

Dealing with ADHD Medication Refills: Tips and Tricks

How do you personally deal with waiting for Adderall (or your ADHD med) to be refilled? When you're out? I am really struggling.

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2y ago

I usually try to save up pills incase the doctor doesn't fill them in a timely manner. For example not taking them on my days off work and I don't have homework. It's not much, but it does come in handy just incase. I know it might be hard at 1st to go without, but it will help you understand how the medication is helping you by seeing how you do when you are off of it. You might understand how to mitigate some of your behaviors when you are off the medication.


2y ago

Going without my meds is the worst. I'm on concerta, now, but I used to be on Adderall. I usually end up self medicating with THC or CBD to atleast help symptoms of withdrawal if nothing else


2y ago

I use MyChart so once I get down to a week worth of my meds I message my doctor with how many I have left and for a refill to be sent in.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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