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2y ago

Dealing with Imposter Syndrome and Chronic Illness

Anyone else have so many conditions that they have imposter syndrome? Like I'm pretty sure I actually feel like garbage all the time, but at what point am I getting in my own way? At what point am I not taking care of myself?

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2y ago

YESSS. It's so easy for me to keep asking myself, "is this my fault?!" Is it just because I haven't done this or that? It's torture!


2y ago

It's even worse when your family thinks you've caused your conditions because you didn't eat your spinach or something.


2y ago

Ah yes, the "is it me or mental illness?" game


2y ago

this game drive me crazy


2y ago

I felt this so hard. I keep telling myself I'm being a baby. My wife says "my raising is showing"


2y ago

oof, yes. I've made progress, but still hear my mom calling me "lazy" in my head


2y ago

what does she mean by "raising"?


2y ago

I know what you guys mean!!! I feel like I have to constantly explain how I feel to people and then explain how I swear I'm not making it up. I also don't complain until it gets to higher pain levels. It sucks most being out in public no one really gets it there. Trying hard to work on not gaslighting myself at least. It's not our fault :)


2y ago

and we get so used to hiding it. We appear okay many times but feel atrocious inside. But people make comments that make me so frustrated because it's like, what am I going to do? Mope around all the time?! No!


2y ago

Especially when you don't have a diagnosis for your symptoms yet and when you talk to people and/or go to a doctor they say "you're fine" Makes me feel like I'm making it up


2y ago

Undiagnosed is so hard same here. Taking so much to get it done.


2y ago

or when they say it’s all in your head or anxiety causing everything making you feel crazy….


2y ago

Absolutely. I feel like I have a ridiculous amount of health conditions. At only 24, I am prescribed 7 different daily medications. I always feel like I’m somehow faking it, or that I must just have a low pain tolerance. A few years back I got an MRI that showed irregular white matter, proving that I suffer from chronic migraines, which felt so oddly validating. Like I could point to something concrete and say “See! It’s real!” It’s very hard to feel that way with my mental health conditions though. I always feel like I’m just too emotional or dramatic or difficult.


2y ago

Lol. I still feel as the most broken one. With an on going list that is only getting longer. I almost died because the doctors said I was fine... My gram passed away from knowing something was wrong but the doctors wouldn't listen and just said it was from the surgery or a side effect and she's OK. And had blood cancer that they didn't find until after death. And they still can't find what's wrong with me. The pain in my ear to my head, my gut, my ligaments, even my skin, hair and nails. I literally have an issue with like every body part. Had to get my gallbladder removed and now I have a hepatic hemangiomas ... that needs follow up. Even after my sinus surgery I notice no change to correct the problem but now when I workout especially or take a hot shower I smell burning... like the inside of my sinuses aren't healed or something. It's kinda nauseating. I feel like he thinks I'm lying about everything. Oh my cramps and my constant muscle spams and headaches. And to top it off my chronic dehydration that they don't even recognize as an issue. But when I was drinking 25-30 cups of water a day And I'm told I'm dehydrated there's a problem. I'm not lying about the amount. It doesn't work just run right through me.


2y ago

Also I wanted to say I am a firm believer that your mental controls what happens to your body. People who have mental issues have many more body issues. Even on a plain level when you happy and whatnot your brain release whatever it does that helps with pain and makes you happy. Also after I talk with a doctor about some issue someone I just of course feel much better about it and it just kinda goes away. We need to take care of our mental if we want to take care of our bodies. And again much easier said than done I still can't follow through with that. Just one problem after another and it never ends. I really need to find a good psychiatrist or doctor that can actually help. I just lost the 2 doctors I could talk to and have to start all over again. It's very hard on my mental. Don't like the doctor they switched me to now I need a whole new practice.


2y ago

Yes!!!! Omg... So hard...


2y ago

I make no excuses. It’s mostly my fault. I don’t eat right and I hate exercises


2y ago

Yes. I feel like I made it through my childhood/teen/young adulthood as a well person. All my symptoms became screamingly unmanageable in my mid-30s. I feel like every time I go to a new doc I get another dx. I don't want any of them! Lol. I feel like I have to apologize a lot for people to understand. It's dumb. And I play the "is it my body or am I crazy" game all the time.


2y ago

im·pos·tor syn·drome Learn to pronounce noun noun: imposter syndrome the persistent inability to believe that one's success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one's own efforts or skills. "people suffering from impostor syndrome may be at increased risk of anxiety"


2y ago

Copied from dictionary post. Seems to me it's just pretty much a very low self-esteem.


2y ago

We all slowly can rewire our brains and think in a different way if we make it happen.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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