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2y ago

Dealing with Menopause at 30

hello! in december i needed to have a radical hysterectomy which put me right in to menopause at 30. the hormone therapy really wasnt right for me and gave me a lot of anxiety and panic attacks. what if anything helps with hot flashes, and not sleeping well. I wasnt ready for this just yet lol

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2y ago

I've been taking Black Kohosh. I take it mostly at night when my hit flashes and night sweats are the worse. I take 80mg (2tabs) You purchase these from Walmart.


2y ago

My doc put me on gabapentin the hot flashes were so bad, I would have an anxiety attack right before a hot flash so I always knew when one was coming, at their worst I had them every 15 minutes all day and night,they were so intense I thought of ending it all many times anyway I felt the medicine working almost immediately I was so happy there are no words to explain it.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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