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3y ago

Can Diet Changes Help Reduce Pain?

Have any of you had success with reducing your pain with diet changes? If so, what diet changes helped you?

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3y ago

I cut out sugar and gluten and red meat


3y ago

I stopped consuming processed and fried food just recently, waiting to see if there is any change..


3y ago

I have been trying recently to restrict my caffeine intake. It was not easy as I had these coffee break rituals that I really loved but I’ve replaced them with other drinks and nowadays I have only my morning coffee.


3y ago

I stopped eating food that contains Monosodium glutamate and aspartate( it’s listed on the label) and trying to eat Whole Foods only and unprocessed food. I can tell you my symptoms became much much better


3y ago

When I cut out milk, I feel so much better and have more energy. I try to stay away from heavy carbs and processed foods because they make me feel very yucky.


3y ago

I went vegan, then vegetarian, and now am pescatarian over the course of 9 months. I don’t eat red meat at all. I cut out soda, too. I have lost about 50 pounds from these dietary changes, and I don’t seem to have as many noticeable issues with my fibromyalgia. But I also think that different things work for different people. It is definitely very valuable to make changes in your diet slowly and then see how your body reacts to them. I was diagnosed with a fatty liver, and I was seriously scared, so that is what caused me to first make the changes, but they ended up benefiting me in a range of different ways!


3y ago

Yes absolutely, I figures out food triggers and have a lot less pain now.


3y ago

I try to eat more protein in every meal and reduce simple carbs, especially sugar. I found out that this way I stay full for longer and don't have as many ups and downs in my hunger and my mood in general during the day. Also i think it reduced the number of pain attacks I get.


3y ago

Oh yes! I try to eat an anti-inflammatory diet. I have found that cutting out refined white flour Is especially helpful in reducing pain.


2y ago

Yes gluten free, sugar free, no red meat, and no pasteurized dairy.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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