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2y ago

Driving Anxiety: Does Anyone Else Feel This Way?

Does anyone else fear/hate the idea of driving? People in my life have been trying to pressure me to learn how to drive for years now. I’m 21. My insurance pays for transportation to doctors appointments and the only other place I go is grocery shopping and that’s always with someone else. I don’t see the need for it right now especially when it affects me the way it does.

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2y ago

Yes, I’m 22 and don’t ever plan on getting my drivers license. I have severe anxiety about driving and frankly I don’t think I could handle it at all.


2y ago

I think I panic too much, and I worry I’d hurt myself or others.


2y ago

Same here, those are my exact worries


2y ago

Yep, we got rearended a few months ago and im constantly on alert now of other cars. Even before that cars and the idea of driving scared me


2y ago

i’m 23 and have my license but rarely use it cause i have this fear of driving. there’s someone in my life pressuring me to drive more because all the other young adults (and teen) cousins are driving. i live in a city with buses & trains so i feel no rush in driving


2y ago

I’m so afraid of driving. I can’t because of my DID, but even if I were to work with my parts to get to a happy medium, I still can’t kick the anxiety. I’m 24, no license, usually rely on others for transport, including bus and Uber/Lyft.


2y ago

I very much fear it.


2y ago

I can’t drive again until June 4. I’m an epileptic and I have to be seizure free for a certain amount of time before I can drive again. I’ve been in 3 car accidents (none my fault). I refuse to drive in or near the city (Atlanta). I only drive on the interstate unless I absolutely have to (basically life or death). And the job I had and the ones I’ve applied for are minutes down the street.


2y ago

I’m turning 22 this year and only have my permits since I was 16, I’m wanting to move to a bigger city with ride services and get an ID card instead of a license, I have terrible anxiety in bigger cities if I drive and I have anxiety attacks when I’m behind the wheel


2y ago

I'm older and don't have a license or drive due to my terrible anxiety. I have anxiety even being in a car with a good driver.


2y ago

about to turn 19, don’t have a drivers license and don’t plan on getting one. my boyfriend drives me anywhere i need to go. if you want to learn to drive, slowly introduce yourself to it. if not, that’s ok too! not everyone wants to drive and that’s totally okay especially now with all these options like Uber or other public transportation or friends! i’ve fully accepted my decision and i hope everyone who is having the same issue as i was can come to a final conclusion for themselves because it’s so relieving to not be constantly thinking “should i do it or not??” hope this helps anyone who needs it :)


2y ago

I only ever drove once and it ended in me getting t-doned by a drunk driver and here I am, 5 years later and my permit expired and still not driving. BUT I am trying to conquer that anxiety and have an appointment to get my permit. Don't let people push you into getting it if your not ready. I have been pushed for years but have decided I am ready because I wanna face that fear, not because someone else is pressuring me to. Hope this helps 😅😅


2y ago

Im 17 almost 18 and everyone keeps saying theres no way ill be able to make it on my own without a license but im SO SCARED of driving


2y ago

I’ve always had anxiety driving… it’s taken me years get comfortable and even so it still makes me anxious


2y ago

Yes im also 21 but I live with family that can take me places


2y ago

I am turning 20 and have a liscense but had severe anxiety during the process. In the beginning it was hard and I still have my moments but to be honest they’re really not kidding about how it gets better with time.


2y ago

I still hate driving, but I live in an area where I pretty much had no choice 😭 still I forget a blind spot or two every once and a while and the anxiety about other people being hurt always sticks around. But you do definitely get more comfortable the more you try and practice safe driving!


2y ago

yes! i have been working on it in therapy for over a year! i can drive now but still get panicked sometimes


2y ago

I always drove with minimal anxiety until a semi truck decided to come over on me at 8 1/2 months pregnant. This happened back in 1999, I’m still terrified of the Interstate.


2y ago

I have been driving for years now & honestly it’s just baby steps. There are things that happen that affect me from time to time but usually I am able to calm myself down to drive. I think the hardest part for me right now is trying to even get out of the house to drive.


2y ago

I used to be afraid of driving it is extremely understandable to be afraid of it. Ever since I started driving every so often, even if it’s in a parking lot or for ten minutes, just up the road and back, that can really help you get comfortable but also remember you don’t need to, if you can live life comfortably then don’t conform to what others want you to do. But if you want to try it out one day those are some tips I have, and maybe even inviting someone close to you to come along the drive


2y ago

I think it’s a personal choice. If you are ok with how you get around, then don’t give in to pressure from other people because it’s the thing to do. My mom never learned to drive because of her anxiety and it worked for her. Hope this helps.


2y ago

Yes i have a lot of drivers anxiety but i find if you have the right people in the car with you the learning process is a lot easier to overcome


2y ago

💯 I’m 31 & I still don’t drive.


2y ago

Yes. Mostly I hate it because it hurts to constantly move my leg. But also because it does make me very anxious. I drive the speed limit or lower than that at night naturally. I don’t get how people don’t feel how fast cars are at 30 mph


2y ago

I used to have no problem driving (before fibromyalgia) and now I am not comfortable driving. I worry about blurred vision, pain, migraine, and numbness getting in the way and making me (and others) unsafe.


2y ago

I get really anxious especially when people are turning out of a place or simis. Im going to have to get my license but I dont want to


2y ago

I ahve tried to end it all


2y ago

Thank you all for the info. This wasn't my post but I'm trying to push my daughter to drive and she has a nervous breakdown every time she just sits behind the wheel. I'm just going to let the driving thing go.

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