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2y ago

Need Help with Eating for Kidney Disease Stage 3

I’m 65 was diagnosed with kidney disease stage 3 2 years ago, my dr still hasn’t referred me to a kidney dr and I’m a bit upset. I need help with eating.

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2y ago

stage 3 can still be pretty far away from dialysis/transplant, you don’t really need to be super strict on diet yet. i would just reduce salt intake, protein intake, drink lots of water and avoid caffeine. diet is a huge part of ckd but at stage 3 you shouldn’t have to be too worried yet.


2y ago

they tell me that too but I have symptoms that worries me. I’ll have a dr come to my house next month for bloodwork.


1y ago

What is wrong with caffeine as far as kidneys go?


2y ago

I was referred to nephrologist at stage 3b. He did not tell me to change anything at all regarding eating or drinking.


1y ago

a lot of your information can come from personal research. There are a few really good books that are about renal (kidney) disease and outlines as to what to eat. They really help.


2y ago

This is good to know. My eGFR is at 56 and I am in full panic mode over my diet. All I know to do is eliminate red meat and my one coke a day . I’ve always watched my sodium, but definitely enjoy my share of Taco Bell , lol.


2y ago

my eGFR is currently 48 but has been as low as 29. Nephrologist calculated a statistical chance of me needing dialysis I’m my lifetime … I don’t recall precise numbers but was extremely low like 1.5%. So ask your doc about the calculation for you or google it. I don’t think I’d give up my red meat just yet - is Taco Bell read meat? Lol. Ps I’d be ecstatic god an eGFR of 56… 🤗


2y ago

Have you looked at foods good to eat with Kidneys on Google. It's very informative.


2y ago

I meant foods to eat for our damaged kidneys. Alot of it is fruit and vegetables. Hydrate.


1y ago

I'm at stage 3 and was told to watch my protein, potassium, phosphorus, sodium. And not to drink to much water, no caffeine, or dairy. I guess it depends on the doctor.


1y ago

really about the water? Cuz I have stage 3 kidney disease plus End Stage Liver Disease and I'm on Diuretics for my liver and have to drink Lots of Water . My Dr does bloodwork every 3 months and I do ultrasound every 6 months to monitor my Liver , Kidneys And Ect..

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