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2y ago

Looking for Endometriosis Support

I’m newly diagnosed and I would love to meet people who I can relate to and who can relate to me as well😌 What stage endometriosis do you have and what has been the easiest and hardest parts of your endo journey so far? I’m 23 and have stage 2 endometriosis. The easiest part of my journey so far was actually being properly diagnosed and not dismissed by my doctor, hardest part so far has been finding what works best for me to ease the pain.

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2y ago

Hi, I am also newly diagnosed about a week ago and trying to connect with people here about endo too! I will try to remember to update you or make a post with what I learn tomorrow at my post-op follow up! I find out my stage and stuff (I had surgery 9 days ago, after waiting over 10 years to find a knowledgeable and caring gynecologist) Best wishes in your journey of learning how to manage your pain, I know it takes time so be patient and kind to yourself and please update us again soon!


2y ago

I am 35 and have/had stage 4 endometriosis. I found out about a year and a half ago. It was a quick process for me only because the doctors grew concerned over an enlarging cyst. I was scheduled for a hysterectomy November 2021. It was not completed, only the cyst and some endometriosis scar cleared out because my uterus was fused to my bowels. I was referred to an oncology gynecologist who performed my hysterectomy successfully Feb 2022. It feels weird, I didn't realize exactly how much pain I was in until it was gone. The biopsy also revealed I had adenomyosis as well. She said it was one of the worst cases she had seen. Still dealing with Endo in my bowels. They had to remove both my ovaries since one was covered in Endo and the other wouldn't stop bleeding. I'm taking hormones now.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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