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Updated 11mo ago

Extreme Fatigue and Dizziness: Seeking Advice

I’ve been experiencing extreme fatigue and dizziness along with heart palpitations and chest fluttering anyone experiencing this and anything that helps you?

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Hey, I have been experiencing this, it started alittle over a month ago. The heart palpations are one and few now a days. However i still get moments of dizziness and extreme tiredness. I have been taking a natural supplement names anti-ease it helps me when my heart is beating like it want to fly out my chest. Another, that helps me is deep breathing and talking out whatever im feeling.



Usually doing controlled breathing, where I let my breath out for longer than I breathed in, can help me with the feelings of heart racing. For fatigue, not much else helps except just taking naps if I can. I would definitely talk to your doctor about these symptoms; they might have some ideas of what could be causing them. In my non-doctor opinion, it might be a good idea to ask about POTS, which can cause heart palpitations, fatigue, and dizziness. It really depends on what you’re doing when these things happen, but if having a name for what’s happening to you can help, you might find some tips helpful from others with that condition.



Can you tell some more about this anti-ease? When I tried searching for it I only got anti-seize lubricant.



Another name for it is a quite mind, or rescue remedy. I got mine from a local health store. However amazon has alot of supplments similar to it. I Just two or three drops and im good to go



When are the palpitation and dizziness happening? Is it when you stand up? Is it when you’re anxious?



I got a wheelchair for this. I have been suffering from this for years and recently went "I'm done" and got a wheelchair. what helps most is sitting, lots of water, avoiding caffeine and sugar, and limiting stress to the body. also, if it's POTS you may want to try a higher sodium diet. if it's NOT POTS, you could try to just deeply breathe and sit the hell down to try to calm your body down. anxitey meds can also help with too fast heart. as for the fluttering, I literally have to LAY down to fix that one I don't even know what causes it (cue: doctors appointments are all in fucking December) but feel free to message me if you wanna talk more about all this!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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