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2y ago

Feeling Like a Fake with Chronic Illness

do you ever feel like you're 'faking' your condition, or how bad it is? or rather, do others make you feel guilty and like you are a fake? really struggling with that recently, especially because my fatigue and pain are really up and down sometimes even on a daily basis

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2y ago

Ugh yes, on the good days it feels like I must just be making all of it up. I’m having a good day today but in a weird way it also sucks because you start invalidating past experiences. It’s hard but just remember that what you experienced is valid and no one would fake this, it sucks! And the fact that you’re asking the question means that you aren’t. My pain and fatigue are also up and down a lot and I feel like I must be faking it, but know that you aren’t!!! Sending lots of love, message me any time!


2y ago

thank you! also love your username


2y ago

Yes! Because my fatigue isn’t linear I sometimes wonder if I’m making it all up or if the amount of fatigue is normal.


2y ago

Yes on days I'm in pain like or really tired I just fake smile say yes I'm ok move on it's part life when nothing goes your way


2y ago

Yes. That's me. When I feel good, I always think it must be a mental thing. But my body is so up and down with feeling good. One day good, then the next day bad and so on. Very frustrating. But feeling pain and fatigue is a very serious issue and not made up. We just have to get down to the root cause of our issues.


2y ago

Absolutely!!! I’m also a very expressive person in general so I’m afraid I’m “being dramatic” largely because when I express my experience people frequently seem uncomfortable, confused, or downright skeptical.


2y ago

people don't know how to act when hearing about pain and illness which is so weird bc its actually so normal and human?


2y ago

Imposter syndrome is a monster honestly! I have days where I'll be completely pain free and think "do I really have fibro?" Others make me feel bad about it bc I use a cane on days that it'd an 8 bc they will stare and it makes me feel judge


2y ago

i also use a cane on bad days, and i have also used it when I had a severe nerve condition. i fully support cane use for fibro and send u love and I'm proud of you for reaching for a mobility aid when you need it! normalize mobility aids for invisible disabilities!!!!


2y ago

Oh my goodness!! I thought it was just me! I do this all the stinking time! I'll be lying on the floor inable to move one minute and then as soon as it pasts Im like, "did that actually happen?" "Surely I was able to move." "It wasn't that bad." Having memory issues only makes it worse because then you'll be trying to recall a the details of an episode and the memory loss kicks in and you start to think that maybe it never happened and you are going insane. The only thing I have ever found that helps is *document everything!* take pictures or videos of literally everything, rashes, muscle tremors, thermometer readings, everything! It sure feels good to read your post and all these comments though! I hate that yall are struggling with this, but at least none of us are alone.❤️


2y ago

I have a constant fear that people are thinking I'm using my fatigue as an excuse to get out of work or straight up lying about it. Sometimes I push myself way harder than I should so I "look like I'm not lazy" and suffer great consequences for it. I know I shouldn't, but its so stressful.


2y ago

Imposter syndrome I think comes with the territory of invisible illnesses. It’s really easy to gaslight yourself into thinking that YOU are the problem. Or that there isn’t one and you’re just lazy. Total BS. Try not to let other people’s negative attitudes about disability live in your head. If you find yourself thinking you’re not good enough because this, that, or the other, imagine if someone you really loved heard you say that. What would they say to you? Say that to yourself instead. Just try to be gentle and kindly correct yourself how you would with a young child. You deserve kindness too. And while others might not always be that, you always have yourself. So always try to think and speak of yourself kindly ❤️


1y ago

this reply is great, thank you 🙏💕


1y ago

Thank goodness somebody said it! I relate so much feeling like I'm faking my disability. And I realized it's the pressure both I and society puts on folks to function at a certain level to survive. Sometimes it makes me think I'm just being lazy. But I know that isnt true and I am real and so are my struggles

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