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2y ago

Coping with Severe Fibromyalgia: Looking for Advice

Hi I'm Ladybug 65 I have severe fibromyalgia and am looking to talk to people with dibilitating pain to see what they do to cope with it.

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2y ago

Hi Ladybug 🐞 , I am 62 and was diagnosed when I was 39. All the Drs I have gone too just tell me there are no cures and they tell me I just have to manage it. I don’t know what’s worse , the pain , the fatigue, the IBS , the insomnia or the anxiety and pain 😥


2y ago

I can relate 💯 percent sending you healing prayers ttyl.


2y ago

Hi Ladybug65. I can really relate. I am 51 and with mine I just suffer.


2y ago

Hey Ladybug65. I have fibromyalgia, IBSD and narcolepsy, so you are not alone. It is extremely important to find a good rheumatologist who understands that Fibromyalgia IS a serious condition and not one to be dealt with lightly. I have one of those thank God. I feel worse in the morning with fibromyalgia and IBSD. ( very crazy dreams and night terrors and insomnia! ) I do stretching excercizes, I try to take walks even sit on my porch and close my eyes breathing deeply. I say to myself “ what do I hear?….what do I smell?….what do I feel?…and then I open my eyes and say what do I see? ) I couldn’t care less what my neighbors think 🤔. Sorry but F them. This is my body, the beautiful temple where MY soul lives! ) it’s so hard but I feel like it grounds me to face my day. It’s so darn hard but life is just hard. Be proactive in your health care!!!!! You deserve the best. I hope I am helpful and you are welcome to message me anytime night bird. I am probably awake too!!!🦋🦉


2y ago

I have fibromyalgia, lupus, Sjögren’s, and osteoarthritis I’m here to talk anytime


1y ago

Meditation used to work for me.


1y ago

Hi Ladybug! I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 10 years ago and would be happy to share my experience with you.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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