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2y ago

First Psychologist Appointment and Anxiety

I have my first psychologist appointment today about my anxiety 🙃 😬 and I believe it has my anxiety worse today than ever!!!! Anyone dealt with this? Inside is screaming just stay home. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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2y ago

Yeah, I tend to have really bad anxiety before every single appt I ever go to, and I have been seeing counselor since I was in my late teens, because of sexual abuse I suffered when I was 10. A lot of times, I do start to feel better once I begin to talk to my therapist about what it is exactly I believe I might be nervous about, and they help me to see just how silly (no one's feelings are 'silly', every one is valid and important, but I am of course aware that even my feelings often interfere with my ability to be able to remember that at times) or warranted my feelings are.


2y ago

I've always been the fixer of others worries so I believe its going to just be hard to open up about my worries If that makes sense.


2y ago

Yup, perfect sense. Even as a kid, I was wanting to help carrying things, helping someone else clean up their room when we were done playing, and so on, just so I could get a few fleeting moments of "emotional pride" at convincing myself "See, I can be a good person"


2y ago

Yep thats me ✋ even in my career now I have that issue. I feel like I'm just trying to make the world a better place by helping others feel better about themselves but in reality just putting myself on the back burner. Carrying others weight on my shoulders leaving me filled with more worry and then over thinking everything did or said. Ughhh


2y ago

I put hand on stomach..this lessens fear


2y ago

Might want to try making a check list of issues to talk about or bring up. Helps me feel like I'm prepared and won't forget about something important. Just an idea. Nice to feel like I've touched on all the major points.


2y ago

Thanks guys. It went well and believe this one actually is a good fit. Was worried always hearing about one's who didn't ask anything but "how do you feel about that" type of things. She and I clicked and was like setting and talking to an old friend.


2y ago

Yes..I would get to the building turn around and go home after negotiating with myself so long I miss the appointment anyway..other times I would shower and dress but not be able to make it out of the house..


2y ago

I go thru that every time I have an appointment or even have to go out anywhere. As mentioned above making a list prior to appointment helps get you focused on the appointment and take distract a little from the aniexty.

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