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2y ago

My Gender Dysphoria Journey: Share Your Experience

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2y ago

It took much longer than it should've for me to recognize what I was feeling was gender dysphoria. My parents are conservative and I grew up in a conservative city, so I was just never told that it was something that was possible. When I did find out and come out, my friends were super supportive but my parents told me that they do not support me. It's been almost 4 years since then and now they support me completely because they realized I'm happier now. My biggest issue now is that I can't grow a beard, but I got a needle roller that's seeming to help


2y ago

my mom always told me i seemed like a "tomboy" when i was super young (like 6-10) when i was 10/11 i started trying so hard to fit in with "other girls" despite never really feeling like them. i tried to be exactly like my best friend (who was and still is super feminine). at 12 i realized i didn't want to be like that. i begged to cut my hair short for s o long, threw away my feminine clothes, and basically exclusively wore band merch i came out to my parents at 13 but they weren't supportive so i stayed in the closet all thru high school, but tbh it was a glass closet lmaoo after high school i finally came out, started t, and ever since then i've been so much more confident and comfortable with myself and my identity :] i still have horrible dysphoria but it gets easier, especially since my voice is p deep so i generally pass in public (also sorry if u werent looking for a whole life story hahah)


2y ago

It’s killing me inside :*)))


2y ago

Hella rough. I'm on blockers, but I'm not able to get on T until I turn 18 in a few minutes. I came out about 3 years ago.

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