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2y ago

My Grade 4 Hiatal Hernia Experience

I just had an upper endoscopy done and they found a grade 4 hiatal hernia. I know grade 4 isn’t super common. I’m wondering if anyone can share their experience. Did you need treatment? Surgery? Thanks

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2y ago

That's me! I am 53 and working towards my 2nd surgery. I had laproscopic in January 2020. My hernia returned after 6 months. Before surgery 1 it was behind my left boob with my colon. Not it is next to my heart, flipped with my colon in tow. I know a guy who is 30 with this as well. Get multiple opinions from general surgeon and thoracic surgeon. I will be happy to answer more questions. 😊


2y ago

thanks for your response! I’ve since talked with my doctor and thankfully they’re not concerned at all about mine right now. They say it will only be a concern if my acid reflux becomes unbearable. Good luck with your second surgery! Sorry you’re having to deal with it again.


1y ago

At 39 yrs old, I was diagnosed last yr with a Hill grade IV myself. I haven't gone back to my doctor yet simce being diagnosed because I am getting other health issues taken care of first. I know my acid "episodes" (as I call it) is horrible and were daily and even making me sick at times. A lot of thay went away after taking some meds my dr gave me. I know I should go talk to my dr about the surgery but honestly I'm kind of scared. How is the surgery performed? Whats the recovery like? How many surgeries are needed to correct the hernia? How serious is it if I don't go talk to my dr? I just got so many questions running through my head about it. This is new to me. No one I've ever know has had this type of hernia. And with my luck, I end up with the rarest of em lol Any advice or suggestions would be awesome. Thank you 🤗


1y ago

Sorry for the delay. AS long as you have not issues your fine. Once you start it's never ending.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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