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2y ago

Heart Problems and POTS: Seeking Advice

this might be a long shot but can anyone with POTS help? I've been having heart problems for almost a year now and I'm suspecting POTS but I can't see a cardiologist until I get some insurance things sorted out. my resting heart rate is between 60-65, and I've tried the standing test and it's 79 after standing for 2 minutes and 90 after 10. it regularly gets above 120 while doing regular things like walking around my house, or getting dressed, and I feel very light headed and dizzy a lot. I've fallen in the shower before because my vision went black and when I measured my heart afterwards it was above 170. sometimes it's over 100 for no reason and only sitting or laying down really helps.

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2y ago

(Obviously I don't want to self diagnose but hearing from other people with this condition would definitely help!)


2y ago

Sometimes docs prescribe salt tablets for POTS. I had a heart rate under 60 at rest this weekend and 110 upon standing. As soon I took some salt and electrolytes, my heart rate normalized 🙏🏻


2y ago

I've been having similar symptoms, and I've been wondering about POTS as well! I'm going to talk to my doctor soon, good luck with your insurance!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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