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2y ago

Looking for holistic alternatives to Entyvio for UC treatment

Hi! I was diagnosed with UC in 2008. I was prescribed Mesalamine (Lialda), Mercaptopurine (6-MP), and folic acid and told I’d be on those medications for the rest of my life. In 2013, I discovered the medicinal benefits of Cannabis during a severe flare up. It helped with pain management and made food tolerable. In 2017, I decided to take charge of my health and changed my diet/lifestyle. I was able to come off all medications and achieved remission for 4 years! Unfortunately, the stress of 2020 ruined that with a pretty severe flare up. After a round of Flagyl and Prednisone, I was back in a brief remission. In July 2021 I had what started as a mild flare up but it was soon escalated with a bad case of c diff. My doctors said the disease has progressed and recommended Entyvio. I’m very anti-pharma and hate the idea of being on a pharmaceutical medication for the rest of my life. Has anyone successfully come off of a biologic/Entyvio and achieved remission through a more holistic path? Any insights on the pros/cons of Entyvio are appreciated as well 😊

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2y ago

Hey, I’m treated with entyvio. As I was told, entyvio is a biological selective drug. The word selective means that it affects only the cells in the bowels and not at the rest of the body, which I guess is a good thing. As for the side effects, my doctor told me I can suffer from headaches, cold and joints pain - these are the most common. For now, I sometimes suffer from strong headaches, but I’m still taking the drug


2y ago

I am literally in the exact same boat-- 2021 put me into a huge flare and my doctors are now prescribing Entyvio. Would love to hear experiences with this medication, and any holistic paths people have taken to help.


2y ago

Hi! I know this is super late. I’ve never taken Entyvio but I have been taking Mesalamine and Budesonide. For a while I was only on Mesalamine but they added Budesonide again after the stresses of 2020. I also changed my diet but has been on and off. I honestly recommend trying either VSL #3 or Visbiome probiotics. (Visbiome I think is cheaper). They’ve honestly helped me a lot! After a month of taking them I was back in remission for a while (until I stopped taking them since 2020 hit and I wasn’t working as much so it got expensive). But both worked amazingly for me. You can use either one.


2y ago

Sadly noo Entyvio didn’t do it for me, and neither did Remicade, or Stelara. Currently trying Xeljanz as a last hope to keep my intestine. Good luck


2y ago

After several months on Entyvio and Mesalamine my symptoms are definitely reduced. Some bloating when I eat but I really can’t imagine reducing my limited diet even more 😥 I’ve been extremely tired, joint pains and mood swings which I thought were symptoms of prednisone withdrawal and then COVID. Now I’m thinking it might be the Entyvio. So unmotivated to eat better and exercise which I’m sure would help 😔


2y ago

I have had success with Visbiome probiotics though! Kind of scared to stop taking them. Pretty traumatized from the c diff experience 😐

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