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1y ago

Living with Chronic Conditions: How They Affect Daily Life

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1y ago

I truly think my depression effects everything I do at this point because it does every feeling I have. It feels like trying to feel something through a thick layer of jello


1y ago

me too. Waking up sometimes feels like I am a brick weighed into my bed


1y ago

My adhd was the catalyst for my depression and anxiety. I genuinely think I'd be a happier person if I didn't grow up with it, or if I was at least diagnosed sooner. (I had to fight for it at 15) My depression makes it hard to feel like taking care of myself and I'm super susceptible to substance issues. Whether thats because of my depression or my adhd i don't know. I'm years behind in school, i feel completely disconnected from others, and because ive been depressed for years I don't feel like I can wake up and think of anything else but what's going wrong. Every day that I wake up I need to navigate a world not built for me and its exhausting. I don't go a moment without my conditions affecting me.


1y ago

what were some things you didn’t realize were adhd?


1y ago

I try not to have my depression or anxiety ruin my day. When that happens, I go listen to music or I write in my journal.


1y ago

It makes it more difficult to live life every day but I also have a lot of support but it can make me tired and it makes it hard to focus on one thing at a time but I've practiced mindfulness


1y ago

I’ve really struggled socially trying to make friends due to my anxiety and depression. It seems to take so much effort for me to pretend to be okay around others so I isolate myself which only makes things worse. These things also make daily tasks feel like a chore. Simple things like taking a shower, making dinner, brushing my teeth seem to take so much effort that I can’t always do them. I’m struggling to find a good support system in my area as I’ve just been put on month long waiting lists with no responses. And the few friends I had no longer talk to me because I isolate myself.


1y ago

I've been like this for soooo long in my younger days...and now... I feel this....and now im a jobless adult who can't get their shit together. I'd be homeless if my parents didn't take me back in.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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