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Updated 11mo ago

Managing ADHD Traits: Tips and Tricks

How do you manage ADHD traits like forgetting to eat, getting bored fast, and sensory overload?

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Reminders are a life saver. Along with fidgets and noise canceling headphones. I'm still figuring out what to do when bored, but what I do now is do random crafts or reorganize my room



Good question. I don't know lol. Hope you get an answer🤗



fidgeting with a small toy/other thing that you like helps a lot with sensory overload in my opinion. having a set schedule with timeframes instead of specific times helps me with forgetting to eat. ex: 8AM-11AM: eat breakfast, 12PM-3PM lunch/snacks, etc. getting bored fast, i'd recommend taking more frequent breaks if you can. even if its just a 5 minute break to get a drink of water, i learned it helps me to refresh my brain and get back to work.



Forgetting to eat: Set alarms every day Getting bored: If you can, try to do things in 20 minute time slots (ex. 20 minutes for each room speed cleaning) Sensory overload: Try listening to music



I’m going to try to answer these in order: 1) I frequently forget to eat, but I also frequently stress eat and boredom eat, so those usually make up for that. I’ve previously had a very poor diet, so I try to keep healthier snacks around me and in view (because otherwise I forget about them), so that if I get an appetite at some point, I have something healthy to eat (I usually go for Pistachios, Babybels/Cheese, and Grape Juice). 2) This was more of when I was a kid, but when I would get bored, I would play games and create worlds in my head. Since my dream career is in music right now, I currently write songs in my head whenever I’m doing something mundane. If a song is playing, instead of going against the song, I write my own lyrics to it (usually to describe how I’m feeling). The writing process seems to help me describe my emotions even better than just talking about them. 3) Whenever I get overwhelmed, (and since I am very music-oriented) I put in earbuds and listen to a specific song, playlist, album, or artist to calm down. I also do this during panic attacks. I try to focus on a point where I cannot see people in my peripheral vision, but sometimes that is hard. In those cases, I close my eyes (and sometimes try to find a way to cover them to avoid seeing shadows through my eyelids). I hope this helps!!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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