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1y ago

I have to get a lot of help to manage my meds and appointments. My meds are delivered in pill packs. My mental health team takes me to my appointments. It's a lot of work.


1y ago

It's really hard and frustrating for me, with work and everything else πŸ˜₯


1y ago

diabetes (type 1 insulin dependent) is hell. it feels like no matter what i do i cant figure out how to balance it all, not even looking at burn out or when it clashes with my chronic fatigue and pain issues. medication is expensive, it's hard to keep track of, the food that won't totally mess up my blood sugars/help keep them under control is expensive or i'm allergic to it, i don't have time/energy for meal prepping. i'm so tired of it all


1y ago

god felt that. I feel so out of control of my own body, like no matter what I do my blood sugars won't cooperate


1y ago

completely reliable I've been a T1D since 06 and my A1C is Awful. I struggle with other mental heath issues but this one I can't seem to get a handle on


1y ago

To get better I need to do things that I have found unable to get done or motivate myself to stick to this becoming less physically able to do things


1y ago

I have a hard time for some reason remembering to take my morning meds.. which is my mood stabilizer and I'll go 3-4 days with out it and then g Do good for a few days and repeat... And it's weird because I see the med every morning .. I think about it in the morning.. just my body doesn't reach for it and take it and then I push the thoughts surrounding taking them ... Out of my mind and go blank so I have also set an alarm on my phone ... Some times it helps other days I shut the alarm off tell myself I'll go take it when I am finished the task I am doing then all of a sudden I'm taking my sleeping meds and I never took my morning meds.. I tried taking that med at night with my other meds... That works a little better but for some reason I still miss days .. I frustrate myself


1y ago

my wife had that issue with her thyroid med in the morning and would also go days or even a full week without taking it. So her med management team got her a med box that has an alarm on it that won't turn off until you flip it over to take the med out and it has worked wonders for her


1y ago

I'm the same way with my night meds.


1y ago

I use a company called PillPak. They put my meds in separate pouches based on the time of day I'm supposed to take them. The co-pays are great, and I get it delivered to me monthly. I love it!


1y ago

There are medication shortages and the alternatives don’t work effectively and have hurt me before. Due to unaccountable manufacturers its impossible to stay treated consistently and no one is accountable for this harm.


1y ago

can you talk to your doctor about prescribing a surplus of that particular med so when the manufacturer is being unreliable you can get through that period of time fully or partially, if possible?


1y ago

I can't ever remember to take my medication and when I do remember my anxiety prevents me from doing so..


1y ago

I use an iPhone and in the Health app it has medication reminders that I set. That can either help me or annoy me, depending on my mood at the time, but I end up getting my meds taken either way.


1y ago

I write it down in two places and have it on a note in my phone and a voice reminder. I hope that helps!


1y ago

what is the anxious thought you have when you think about taking your meds?


1y ago

I basically built a full on team of specialists for all my chronic conditions together. It was difficult and took so many years to find the right people (Yes, I had to be picky, and I absolutely observed each person over an extended period of time,) but it is currently as close to perfect as you can get. Once you do that work, and include a form of accountability for yourself for regular treatment (therapy, self care schedule, med schedule,) it becomes much easier even when dealing with all your symptoms at once. I do fail to keep up with it all sometimes, but it is much easier to get back on track using DBT and CBT skills along with my therapist. (I also don't fall into the trenches for years or even months on end now. Woot!) Interview your potential team members! Search for those who specialize in multiple areas! Small in number, but has a lot of training! You got this even when you don't when you make even a basic big team. Good luck, lovelies!


1y ago

it is incredible and encouraging to know that you had persevered to get that set up. I have beat my head against the wall trying to get people talking to each other and to find the right thing. It can turn into paranoia that I may just be thinking things that aren't really what they are and maybe always people really are doing what they need to do and I feel like giving up. But then on top of that becomes the fact of insurance and if you don't have an insurance that pays for all that what do you do then? I've been on the Affordable Care Network now that I'm thankful for but the program I picked so that I don't have to pay anything is $100 to go to a specialist. I paid extra for insurance last year out of pocket to have better coverage and the place I went that I had been told was a team type thing kind of feel flat and what I needed most in the time was the physical therapy and I needed to be able to go somewhere and have physical therapy not at $100 a shot. But that guy at the new place said they weren't set up for that and just gave me a piece of paper and reviewed the exercise and then we were going to get back together and a couple of weeks. That flat out doesn't work. I told him that and he looked at me like I was insane. That I can't make myself be motivated at home to get that done if needed. It was one of those "well there's nothing much I can do to help you on that then if you're not going to do it." I don't know why I can't get myself to do it. I'm just confused as he is but it doesn't change the reality that that setup doesn't work for me I've tried it multiple times to know avail. Now four more months have gone by and I keep going downhill.


1y ago

the most difficult part is always adjusting how many times a day I take medication in general. going from once a day to twice a day wasn't horrible, but going from twice a day to three times a day? impossible. it's so much easier to accidentally skip meds when you're window for taking them is quartered. the caregiver fatigue also hit really hard at first, which sucked because the person to whom I was giving care was me πŸ˜…


1y ago

I'm pretty good at taking my AM and PM meds, but the issue is taking my mid-day med because the time of day has to differ depending on when I work, because it depends on when I take my AM meds, etc. I had to go from full time to part time because the arthritis in my knees wouldn't let me stand on them for 40 hours a week any more. Some times I struggle with 5 hours a day


1y ago

I struggle as my memory is pretty rubbish I need to be prompted to take medication and eating. Which is difficult as my husband works nights and is asleep during the day


1y ago

I have to many medications and vitamins to fit in my pill box even when I split it am and pm I need these vitamins so I guess I will get two pill boxes one for medicine and one for vitamins. My memory is Also really bad. The pharmacy has me going there every week when I run out of something it's very frustrating


1y ago

I dont know why but I just stopped talking my meds (for depression /anxiety) for a while (2.5 weeks) its not lile I thought I'd been cared and don't need it I just ... idk. I feel like I'm at a point where I feel like I could start again but now it feels lile its been too long and its hard to convince myself to start again


1y ago

did you feel better or worse when you were taking them? How long did you take them before stopping? Do you think it's something worth speaking to your doc about? My husband deals w/ depression & anxiety & is in a constant battle w/ whether or not he likes his medication


1y ago

I have a hard time staying on meds. I am getting put on antidepressants and I don't like the numb feeling so I don't like taking them


1y ago

I keep forgetting to take them πŸ˜₯


1y ago

I found this app called medisafe my aunt reccomended to me and it's the only reason I remember to take my medication. I highly reccomend it to anybody who commonly forgets to refill medication or take them


1y ago

Taking my meds and supplements has been relatively easy for me as I keep them on shoe totes next to my bed with duct tape, yellow for morning and blue for night time. I don't have any childeen so I don't have to worry about them getting into them. I also have to take injectable every other week that needs to stay in the refrigerator, so I just make sure to leave reminders on my phone calendar and it pops up on my screen so I know to take it then so I don't forget.


1y ago

I put mine beside my bed, wake up, take pills THEN get up and face the day πŸ«‚


1y ago

Same to you both, I've given up so much sugar and carbs, take my meds faithfully and still am around a 9 A1c (type 2). You have my sympathy.


1y ago

I've been lucky in that I found doctors and medication that seem to work very well for me right off the bat. I wish that could be the case for everyone. πŸ’•


1y ago

I'm struggling to afford my GP to get my meds and treatments at the moment, but he's so good that I can't bear to leave him and see someone else. My meds are currently working for me more often than not, so I'm lucky I'm that regard


1y ago

I went to a GYN that my insurance didn't cover for over a year bc I felt so comfortable with him. He recently left the practice due to an injury, so I had an excuse to find a new GYN that's covered & now I don't have to pay as much πŸ™ I hope your situation improves as well- all in good time!


1y ago

I've had different experiences at different times under different circumstances. This time, I am finding it helps to move forward, with the pay off of feeling that bit number. It's a trade off I'm still experiencing and experimenting with.


1y ago

It's more the amount of problems, then having to take a medication bc of the side effects of another medication. The ongoing stress of it all is overwhelming & feeling like you have to bed doctors for refills is ridiculous to me...


1y ago

I have phone alarms set up and a daily med checklist that I hang on my fridge, constantly going through med changes right now, and it can get to feel super overwhelming.


1y ago

I always forget my morning meds and vitamins, it's so hard to build new habits. I also take HRT and have to give myself shots and i had to overcome a needle phobia


1y ago

proud of you for overcoming your phobia!


1y ago

I suggest if you have problems with meds, ie. Remembering or losing track, ect., look into a Hero pill dispenser. My insurance is paying for mine.


1y ago

It's hard to manage because I live in the US and I often can't afford the meds I need because our insurance doesn't believe I need them 😑


1y ago

I find it difficult because even the support I do have is shifty. I have issues with cars and had to drive myself to an appointment I could not miss and when I got there my blood pressure was 160/90 due to anxiety

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