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Updated 3mo ago

Seeking Advice on Medication for Depression

My depression has gotten out of hand recently and I got to the point where I finally realized I can't handle it by myself anymore so I asked my doctor to put me on something. Has anyone found a medication that actually helps them? If so, what?

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One individual shared that they take Remeron for depression and it was a game changer for them. They recommended trying it if you're a candidate, as their symptoms significantly reduced after an incre...See More




I take a low dose of wellbutrin with a low dose of abilify. It works really well for me. ❤️



i take fluoxetine which definitely helps to take the edge off of things, i have friends who are on sertraline too and they find it helpful xx



Hi. Sorry about your depression lately. I know the feeling. With everything going on with me, it's been hard. All piles up. Anyways, if I were you I would sit down with a Psychiatrist. They will ask you a lot of questions and then decide which medicine or medicines will work best for you. Everyone is so different what one med does for me might not work for you or vice versa.



Lamictal has changed my life, pulled me out of depression so fast.



Ketamine as well is a miracle drug



I am on Duloxetine 70mg. Recently l went off them because l was going through alot it was about 3mts. I was in a bad way and my sister and friend suggested l try them again ... l did within hours my mood lifted until l can find a natural product lm staying on them. U can take 2xday if Ur doc will let u Depression is a chemical imbalance (l believe) lve had it all my life. I was tested for MYHFR many years ago and found l had both mutations l don't absorb VitB and Folate...having MTHFR u can read what symptoms u can have. Mine are Depression ADHD Sleep Apnoea Understanding what causes it helps Meditation is fabulous



Sorry it's MYHFR there is a food aust site



I highly recommend you get a genesight test ran before the whole trial and error starts to save time and stress that many have faced when playing "pill roulette". The test is covered by insurance and your doctor can order it for you, they swab your cheek, send it off and you get your personalized results of all medications that won't work/many side effects for you, meds that may work with moderate possible side effects, and meds that are your best bet with lower side effects. They have various sections of different types of meds and can even tell you if ibuprofen doesnt work for you. They also seen if you have any genomes that prevent you from digesting meds incorrectly, hormone imbalances etc. It is a great guide and I wish I had been told about it sooner in my years of trial and error, it's helped tremendously and I even found out I have a genome that slows my metabolism. I always now recommend running this test as it's saved me more grief than I can express.



so I got the gene test done years ago cuz of seizure meds originally, but I’ve been using that and books written by doctors on suggestions for my overall self. Currently on quite a few meds but the main new one is gabapentin, took me off a few I’m a wreck at this point cuz of losing my job but aye figured meds out 🤙

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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