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2y ago

Question for those with mental health diagnoses

okay I have a question for my peeps that are diagnosed..in anything I got diagnosed today with Bipolar 1, BPD (provisional), GAD, and PTSD but my previous diagnosis was SAD, MDD, PTSD, OCD, and DPDR... ..So do I keep my previous diagnosis into consideration still or not-? I still have SAD and I'm positive on OCD and DPDR but unsure if I should still go by those labels still??

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2y ago

they also threw the book at me and left me puzzled


2y ago

I wouldn't think about it so much as a diagnosis (former ones) but more as symptoms because the symptoms are really what you need to pay attention to to figure out what works for you. I was diagnosed with a bunch but I just say I have bpd and manic depressive disorder now. The other symptoms I just keep track of because being misdiagnosed is a common thing


2y ago

I agree with BlackCrystal, I wouldn't mind the labels too much but identify what shared symptoms you have between them.


2y ago

Don’t worry about it as a label, unless you can use it to your advantage 🤷🏻‍♀️ if the symptoms are bothering you/affecting your everyday life, that’s what you should go by.


2y ago

I also have multiple diagnosis but I really don’t mention or concern myself with the ones that aren’t at the forefront of what’s bothering/affecting me most. That changes as the symptoms change for me

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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