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1y ago

Natural Remedies for Anxiety: Tips and Tricks

suggestion on what natural things help with Anxiety

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1y ago

Breathing can help a ton, exercise, or a trick I learned from a therapist instead of pushing the anxiety away thank it for warning you something is going on assess it and let yourself know that you're okay. I've heard sour candy can help if you're about to have an attack, but I haven't tried that yet.


1y ago

❤️❤️ thanks for the help


1y ago

Mugwort (be sure to check how it will react with your medications and don’t use if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding) has been amazing for me, especially with the anxiety I tend to get at night that affects my sleep. It’s super calming. Weed is also super helpful but I try not use it super regularly for that because I become dependent on it. Weed helps me more when I have an occasional panic attack, it immediately pulls me back down into a calm and rational place so I can process my feelings. Exercise is also amazing, I used to have tons of nervous energy and feel like I couldn’t relax or sit still. Working out helped me get out all that tension in a constructive way. Psychedelics have also been incredibly beneficial for me but make sure to do thorough research beforehand and have a trip sitter to keep you safe. I don’t recommend them for anyone who has a personal or family history with psychosis, it can mess you up. Little things like petting an animal or getting adequate time outside in the sun are also proven to improve mood and reduce stress. Seeking physical comfort and connection in difficult moments can be very healing


1y ago

I apologize for how many times I said super in this, I am reading it back and I sound like a moron 😑🤦‍♀️


1y ago



1y ago

I second the shweed


1y ago

For natural substances, look into CBD, cannabis and also some mild psychedelics (in a controlled, safe environment. Always do your research when trying something like that, never go in blindly and only do it where and when it’s safe). There’s also supplements of mushrooms that do not have psychoactive properties that still help with symptoms of depression. I’ve discovered that the occasional consumption of those mushrooms, often in the form of a drink, helps me more than any meds. Otherwise I would suggest yoga, breathing exercises and mood tracking.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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