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1y ago

New to the App, Looking for Feedback

Hi I’m new here, have you found that this app helps you significantly? If so why?

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1y ago

I like that I have a place where I can just kind of vent to people who understand. Even if I don't get any responses or advice, it's sometimes good just to get stuff out. I also like the interaction and stimation that I get from reading and commenting on other people's posts.


1y ago

I second everything the above said. I love it here! This is the most used app on my phone. It's not to hear from people. Even if you don't get a response, at least you got it off your chest. And even one response can make you feel less alone. So many things on here ppl have in common, small stuff. But that's what makes it a good community! Ppl are willing to share pieces of them at their most vulnerable. And you sharing too, helps others! It's fantastic. Welcome! 👋


1y ago

I like having people who actually understand me to talk to, unlike the people in my day to day life. Feels nice.


1y ago

Yes! I've found out ice packs help my seizures go away from people on this app


1y ago

Yes bc you can find your own community ☺️ the best part is when you start to feel seen.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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