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2y ago

Overcoming Anxiety: Tips and Tricks

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2y ago

I take deep breaths and try to focus on the present, on what I’m working on at the moment. I also like to hang around positive people.


2y ago

In the past couple of years, I have been both undiagnosed and then immediately diagnosed with anxiety by a medical professional. To be completely honest, it doesn't wholly go away. A huge portion of dealing with anxiety is just to see the portions of day to day life that stress you out in that direction more, then to accept some of the feelings for what they are, and finally to slowly build and improve the aspects of what goes on around you to help ease your anxiousness. While it is nice to be around those positive people, I have found that sometimes we get socially worn out. This, much like physical exhaustion, causes drowsiness, worsened ability to rationalize(specifically here, the feelings themselves are less able to be rationalized). How I have found to curb some of that is to just have 'me' days. I'll cut off social media, do things that I enjoy, have a nice day, essentially recover from said social stress. While this isn't relative to all people with anxiety, I find that it makes rationalizing what makes me anxious so much easier. You can't expect to see your surroundings to their fullest if you can't feel your fullest.


2y ago

usually i take a hot bath or drink tea and try to focus on my breathing, its very hard some days and others it feels totally normal

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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