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1y ago

Panic Attack vs Anxiety Attack: What's the Difference?

I Don’t Understand This Can Someone Explain The Difference Between A Panic Attack And Anxiety Attack

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1y ago

according to google panic attacks are much more severe and typically occur without a trigger, and anxiety attacks are a response to perceived threat. so, if true, this means panic attacks are a mental health thing, and anxiety attacks aren’t


1y ago

panic attacks occur with or without* a trigger


1y ago

I wouldn’t say that anxiety attacks are NOT a mental health thing. People who have GAD or another anxiety disorder are still much more likely to have them than the average person.


1y ago

Panic attacks are short lived, doesnt last longer than a few hoursm anxiety is slow progressing, slowly getting worse. You stay in that state for hours to days. Anxiety attacks always has a trigger while panic attacks dont always have one


1y ago

In aggreement with the previous comments quite often anxiety attacks will happen during a stress event but a panic attack can happen after the stressor has gone or with no trigger at all and when you least expect it. Many panic attacks have been mistaken for heart attacks because you can suffer similar symptoms like shortness of breath, chest pains or tightness in the chest and all other kinds symptoms.


1y ago

is There Any Difference In Symptoms Between The Two


1y ago

To my understanding, the main difference between the two is severity. Panic attacks can be shorter than anxiety attacks but much more intense, which is sometimes why they are mistaken for heart attacks. Like someone said earlier, anxiety attacks happen in response to a perceived threat. In my experience, things like going to my college classes has been that perceived threat, and the anxiety builds up over time until it’s pretty bad. I would categorize that as an anxiety attack. When I’ve had a panic attack, though, it came on more suddenly and was much more intense and had more physical symptoms. However, after it ended, I did feel exhausted and on edge well into the next day. Kind of like a panic attack hangover, which I’ve heard is pretty common from other people.

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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