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Updated 11mo ago

Struggling with PCOS, Diabetes, and IBS: Need Help with Food

Hello! I am a 30 year old female living with PCOS, diabetes, and IBS. I feel like I struggle with food all the time. one day I can eat something, but the next day that same food makes me sick. Do you relate to this, and/or any tips?

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Omg I feel your pain 💯! Ibs and anxiety I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. The thing that makes it worse is it's so unpredictable. So one minute I'm feeling perfectly fine and the next I'm hunched over and just about crying in and pain and just want to be in bed



Hey Emma I can relate 100% I have IBS-d to what I would consider a severe extent. I also have PCOS. I'm literally only capable of eating chicken and turkey products and some starches no fruit or veg as it triggers me, and even with such a limited food choices it still bothers me but it's the best I can do. I suggest if you haven't already, limit the foods you're eating and slowly add stuff back in. I've had doctors suggest to myself to cut out gluten at one point (didn't work for me) but might help you out. Ibs is pretty tricky since it's so different from person to person. I'm very sorry you're going through this, you're definitely not alone. When I start hurting sometimes stretching and slow deep breathing helps me out to some extent. I try to clear my head and just focus on calm breathing. You could also look into whats called a low food map diet, supposedly it shows foods that are "safe / kinda safe / not safe" depending on quantities eaten. Of course you would still have to play around how your own case of Ibs works. I hope you can find something that helps you out 💕



I feel your pain. I literally just don't want to eat at all some days because I'm so terrified of messing up my stomach. I have a theory that because all I ate growing up was processed garbage, my body never really learned how to tolerate healthier, whole foods. If I worry something is going to mess me up, i eat it in very small quantities with something else that I know will not cause distress. Introducing small quantities of things you think you're intolerant to helps your body to learn how to digest/extract nutritients from those things. I personally took a gut health test called viome that told me what foods to stay away from, limit, or eat in abundance. When I stray from that, I definitely hurt more than when I'm mindful of my triggers.



Hi I'm 36 and I suffer from all of these too along with some other conditions. I have heard that if we manage to sort our blood sugars out then the inflammation and other conditions may improve but that's easier said than done. I'm based in UK. I've had diabetes since 2012 and not received much help or info on it

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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