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2y ago

PCOS Diagnosis and Hysterectomy: Seeking Advice

I've been diagnosed with PCOS for a few years now. My doctors have said a hysterectomy is out of question because they think I'll change mind about having kids. There is too much illness in my family and I don't want kids. My mind will never change about that. What are your thoughts? I'd just like to have a conversation.

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2y ago

Hyster won’t cure pcos. You still will have hormonal issues :( just no painful period


2y ago

I had ovarian drilling (yes, that's the technical name) done and it was really helpful at regulating my periods for a few years. It is also done for better fertility as well (which doesn't matter) but it does regulate periods which is nice if you're irregular.


2y ago

Removal of the uterus unfortunately will do nothing for PCOS since it’s an ovarian disease. It’s highly unlikely you’ll find someone to remove both ovaries as they play a huge role in heart and bone health, that’s why I was denied temporarily for double oophorectomy. They said the only way I’d be granted that is if I get endometriomas on both and the ovaries themselves are a total loss 🥲


2y ago

I was also denied the surgery to remove my ovaries but due to age and having children no one batted an eye when I wanted my tubes tied. My cycle is suppressed with low dose birth control (skipping placebo week). That has helped more than anything!

The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.


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